
sábado, 26 de julio de 2014


On the 4 th of Januari, we give the second public INITIATION OF PICO SAGRO-SHAMBALA AND THE ILLUMINATED HEART.

If you want to participate in the INITIATION,  you may contact 
through this site and with the mail: ""  or in my wall facebook(as a sagrario rilo).

For three days you must follow a vegan diet completely free from animal products and derivatives: one day before, the day of the INITIATION, and the day after, at least.
NOT RECOMMENDED ANY KIND OF FASTING DIET UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, EXCEPT AS A MEDICAL PRESCRIPTION. You must be strong and if you want to cleanse your body, you can follow the diet with cooked brown rice with "gomasio "( crushed roasted sesame with salt more or less, 10 to 14 parts of sesame to one part of salt), at all meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner or when you´re hungry, TO HYDRATE DRINK TEA OF THREE YEARS OR JAPANESE BANCHA TEA.
The recommended food is : seed or ecological whole grains, vegetable proteins like lentils, chickpeas, azukis, soya ..., cooked  vegetables according to the weather, vegetable broths etc., IN GOOD BALANCE.
Refrain from sweet or processed or off season food , which disturbs the energy and the body memory and it is important to keep the best connection with the roots.
Do not eat eggs or food that has milk and derivatives, honey, refined sugars and industrial pastries.
Please do not smoke anything those days, NO DRUGS PLEASE, don´t drink spirit beverages or other artificial drinks, and YES, PLEASE TAKE YOUR MEDICATIONS.
RECOMMENDED COMFORTABLE CLOTHING.WE BEGIN IN THE MORNING IN PICO SAGRO , and according to the weather, it is winter and could be cold.
The first part of the initiatiaon will be in Pico Sagro, then back to Santiago to have a frugal lunch together, and then we will continue until we finish, at the workroom located in R/Monaco-4 BB (near to  The Bus Station).


Whether you participate in THE INITIATION as a presence or not, please connect that day with this ancestral ritual brought back to these times to reconnect us with our roots and our being.
The good attitude for this day: join this moment of awakening in Gallaecia-Iberia, for it to be fruitful and follow this natural event to conform to the breath that animates it , for it to be successful, and to establish it on The Earth of Gallaecia indefinitely, blessing her, filling it with light and awakening. Amen, amen,amen.

Please join us in this new-old process, lost with The Inquisition. We are light bringing light and we need your support in this process. We need your connection and support too, both.
 Too many thanks.

viernes, 18 de julio de 2014


Santiago of Compostela was in the past the Varanasi o Benares celtic, The sacred place to pilgrim to die. The family did the ritual of passage adequate to the  old tradition, during and after death as they continue doing in Varanasi-India, where they pilgrin to from all India not only to give the ashes of their dead, but also to return them to Mother Earth from where they took their sacred body, and to be guided in their return to heaven or where they will be reborn, but the ritual is done with the intention that the next rebirth will be auspicious.  Santiago of Compostela was this kind of place: a place to take the ashes of your dead or a place to die and to receive preparation for this important and decisive trance for the future.
Being as this place is so sacred and certainly a place of too much  influx of pilgrims. It is not strange that if Santiago the disciple of Jesus The Christ, had been here in life, he would have known Santiago,and if he returned here in death, he would be buried in the most appropriate and sacred place to receive his remains, remains that could be ashes knowing the distance from Galicia and the time taken in this trip.
 Taking into account the proximity to Pico Sagro and that there, there is  a dimentional connection to Glory, when I made contact with this dimentional door, I knew that Maestro Mateo was either an Initiate of the sacred circle of pico sagro or he knew this geometry or someone in his circle introduced him to this mystery and dimentional vision,
but in Pico Sagro there are no gates to hell, the three doors go to the high consciencious states to the next life: It is very probable that the central door goes to the inmortality, where the fulfilled and free beings go, the door, the right hand door and the door on the left go to the mortal states,one to this world again and the other to the finite or sixth heaven, where you stay for a limited time.
When my father died I guided him with The Tibetan Bardos of Devenir, whose initiation I received in The Buddist Monastery of Dag Shan Kagyu in Panillo-Huesca; I had never spoken to him about the Pico Sagro Initiation before, because it didn´t flow through him. After 11 or 12 days of this follow up. I was in The cove of Pico Sagro was my father with the beings of  this place !, surprised but happy I spoke to him about The Pico Sagro-Shambala Initatiation and its promises of, and I asked to guide him and he accepted: I guided him to the Santa Sanctorum and there, they initiated him in the  secret of this sacred geometry,  then they took him to a kind of gate and I could see how he went through this left hand gate and he went to his new destiny. I could follow him and I know that he was reborn in a beautiful country as near to paradise as you can get to in this world, in the land of Oceanic Island, there I saw a couple with crowns and garlands of flowers and I knew  that they were his new parents   Lo pude seguir y se que renació en un maravilloso país lo mas parecido al paraíso que hay en este mundo como son las islas de Oceanía, allí vi una pareja con sus coronas y guirnaldas de flores y
supe que eran sus nuevos papas, es por eso que saque la conclusión que lo que me enseño la inciación del espíritu de mi padre fue que una vez recibida las iniciaciones del Pico Sagro, esta misma energía que se imprima en nosotr@s, hace que una vez dejado nuestro cuerpo para retornar a otro estado dimensional, nuestro espíritu retoma el Portal adecuado a su realización en PICO SAGRO: LA PUERTA DE LA GLORIA O LIBERACIÓN, LA PUERTA DE VUELTA A ESTE PLANETA para continuar el aprendizaje y LA PUERTA PARADISIACA FINITA(es la menos recomendable pues se esta tan bien que no crecemos y además se queman todos los méritos y al morir se sufre porque sabemos que si o si debemos volver a esta dimensión terrena de nuevo...), por lo tanto Sanat Kumara guia del Pico Sagro promete realizar el estado de inmortalidad en un tiempo de 1 a 3 vidas porque existen esos tres portales dimensionales que SON UNO, EN PICO SAGRO y al pasarlos también se imprima información en nuestra mente para la proxima existencia, y de seguro apura la realización.
Con toda provabilidad PICO SAGRO era un lugar de recibir iniciación, es decir nacer a un nuevo estado, continuar el camino por el cuerpo de la diosa a distintos puntos sagrados como O PINDO, FISTERRA O COMPOSTELA, según el adepto decidiera o fuera guiado en ello. No es posible establecer como era ni nada parecido porque la inquisición fue muy tenaz en borrar todo vestigio y memoria de la tradición celta-atlántica, y la iglesia de Roma muy eficaz en tomar toda esta tradición y adueñarse de su fuerza y autenticidad para tomar el poder y el control de todo, de la tierra y de las gentes y de las almas(esto hizo creer y aunque no creyeran creyeron pues el precio era la vida)

miércoles, 9 de julio de 2014



Madre Tierra, nosotr@s tus hij@s sabemos que hemos transgredido tus ritmos, sabemos que te hemos desoído, sabemos que hemos roto nuestros compromisos contraídos al nacer aquí y tomar cuerpo de tu cuerpo, vida de tu vida, sustento de tu sustento.

 Sabemos todo esto y ahora en este instante, unidos, amándonos un@s a otr@s y amando todo lo que vive, imploramos tu perdón, imploramos tu amor, y te rogamos que nos sostengas en todos los cambios que tu, para seguir tus designios debes dar.

 Nos unimos a ellos porque sabemos que nos vas a sustentar, sabemos que nos vas a llevar más allá de nuestros miedos e inseguridades. Sabemos que tu memoria es nuestra memoria, y así en esta unión caminaremos segur@s y acertad@s contigo y por ti.

Estamos sintiendo en nosotr@s que tu campo magnético esta cambiando y es posible que tus polos magnéticos siguiendo ritmos ancestrales olvidados por nosotr@s deban dar un vuelco, y te pedimos MADRE TIERRA, te unas a nuestros corazones implorantes y en este reconocimiento nos escuches y por favor, tomate el tiempo justo para que nosotr@s como familia viviente conservemos nuestra memoria, nuestro equilibirio, y podamos reconducir nuestros corazones en ese cambio, en unión con todos los seres de LUZ Y AMOR, con los Hermanos Solares y Galácticos, ya que somos Seres de Luz en una danza perfecta de AMOR Y PAZ.
 Amén, amén, amén. Om, Om, Om!


"Este rezo nació a raíz de mi preocupación cuando escuche a Drumbalo Melquisedek hablar de los cambios magnéticos y de la posibilidad de cambios en los polos de la tierra y como Los Mayas le habían confiado esta posibilidad...Como sucedio en La Atlantida puede volver a suceder y si la tierra se toma mas de 12 dias en restaurar su magnetismo, perderemos la memoria y nos volveremos decía "no nos podemos quedar de brazos cruzados esperando a ver que pasa" y pensé en un rezo,  pero fueron los guias DEL CIRCULO SAGRADO GALLAECIA QUE LO CREARON Y ME LO TRANSMITIERON. Lo rezo cada día y me da calma, confianza y seguridad de que todo es y sera para bien. Amen, amén, amén. Om, Om, Om!